Charles Darwin Quote

"It's not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change."


Week 9

Summary - I really enjoyed exploring the 23 Things in this program and I will definitely use many of them. I have signed up at the Loudoun Co. Library for RSS feeds of their BookNews on my Bloglines. I like getting notified on new materials so I set my Bloglines up to check for BookNews and other library news. I plan to do more exploring of the Mashup sites, such as the Yahoo Pipes. I also plan to go back and spend time on LibraryThing. I found accomplishing the program a bit difficult with the busy summer schedule; covering for co-workers on vacation break, kids on summer vacation, and the SRC. In order to finish the program, I worked mostly on it from home where I was able to find some uninterrupted time.

1 comment:

James said...

congratulations on completing the 23 things program!!!

i've really enjoyed reading your posts and thanks for the feedback on the program. More than a few people thought that Summer was a little too busy for a 9-week training program. point taken, should we try something similar in the future.

it is nice to see that you've found ways to incorporate some of these helpful tools into your daily life (RSS feeds from Loudoun Co PL and Library Thing).

congratulations again on completing the program!!!