Charles Darwin Quote

"It's not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change."


Week 9

Podcasts - I searched for library related podcasts on, however after finding one titled Open Stacks, I was unable to add it to bloglines. So I tried searching for Open Stacks on Yahoo Podcasts, and in their details the RSS feed address was available and I easily added it to bloglines. I then added OPLIN4cast and LibVibe to my bloglines. I also found Podcast Alley user friendly. I prefer using Yahoo Podcast. I find helpful to have access to library related news in one location on bloglines.

1 comment:

Greg Schwartz said...

Hi there,

Just wanted to let you know that Open Stacks as a podcast is pretty much dead. I've shifted gears and am now hosting a weekly group discussion called Uncontrolled Vocabulary. I heartily encourage you to check it out:
